October 18-20, 2022
Nice, France
MASCOTS Workshop
October 20, 2022
10.00Keynote 3: Virginia D’Auria, University of Cote d’Azur,
11.00 Coffee Break
11.30 Workshop Session 1 (1h)
BER-Aware Backscattering Design for Energy Maximization at RFID Passive Tag; Amus Chee Yuen Goay, Deepak Mishra and Aruna Seneviratne
LoRa Positioning in Verification of Location Data’s Credibility; Anna Strzoda, Rafał Marjasz and Krzysztof Grochla
Using Dynamic Programming to Optimize Cellular Networks Modeled as Graphical Games; Artur Popławski and Szymon Szott
12.30 Lunch Break
14.00 Workshop Session 2 (1h)
DITIS: A Distributed Tiered Storage Simulator; Edson Ramiro Lucas Filho, Lambros Odysseos, Yang Lun, Fu Kebo and Herodotos Herodotou
FiLiP: A File Lifecycle-based Profiler for hierarchical storage; Soraya Zertal, Adrian Khelili and Sophie Robert
Exact Outage Analysis for Non-regenerative Secure Cooperation Against Double-tap Eavesdropping; Venugopalachary Kotha, Deepak Mishra and Ravikant Saini
Saving Bit-flips through Smart Overwrites in NVRAM; Arockia David Roy Kulandai and Thomas Schwarz
15:20 Closing session