October 18-20, 2022
Nice, France
Certificates of Best Paper Award for two papers:
- Jonatha Anselmi and Bruno Gaujal: Energy Optimal Activation of Processors for the Execution of a Single Task with Unknown Size
- Zhiyuan Yao, Yoann Desmouceaux, Juan-Antonio Cordero-Fuertes, Mark Townsley and Thomas Clausen: Efficient Data-Driven Network Functions
Program of the IEEE MASCOTS 2022 Conference
DAY 1: October 18, 2022
8.30 Registration
9.20 Welcome
9.30 Keynote 1: Philippe Nain, INRIA, France – Chair: Erol Gelenbe
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Session 1: Machine learning applications (1H 20 MIN) – Chair: Deepak Mishra
- Just-in-Time Aggregation for Federated Learning; K. R. Jayaram, Ashish Verma, Gegi Thomas and Vinod Muthusamy
- G-Networks Can Detect Different Types of Cyberattacks; Erol Gelenbe and Mert Nakip
- DTS: A Simulator to Estimate the Training Time of Distributed Deep Neural Networks; Wilfredo Joshua Robinson Moore, Flavio Esposito and Maria A. Zuluaga
- NorBERT: NetwOrk Representations through BERT for Network Analysis & Management; Franck Le, Davis Wertheimer, Seraphin Calo and Erich Nahu
12.20 Lunch Break
13.30 Session 2: Measurements and characterization (1H 20 MIN) – Chair: Maria Carla Calzarossa
- Cross-Level Characterization of Program Execution; Li Tang and Scott Pakin
- On the Impact of Internal Webpage Selection when Evaluating Ad Blocker Performance; Philip Gunnarsson, Adam Jakobsson and Niklas Carlsson
- RAST: Evaluating Performance of a Legacy System using Regression Analysis and Simulation; Juri Tomak and Sergei Gorlatch
- Simulation Modeling of Zoom Network Traffic; Mehdi Karamollahi and Carey Williamson
15.50 Coffee Break
15.20 Session 3: Energy (1H) – Chair: Philippe Nain
- Energy Optimal Activation of Processors for the Execution of a Single Task with Unknown Size; Jonatha Anselmi and Bruno Gaujal
- LoRaLitE: LoRa protocol for Energy-Limited environments; Lukasz Sergiusz Michalik, Loic Guegan, Issam Raïs, Otto Anshus and John Markus Bjørndalen
- Modelling energy changes in the energy harvesting battery of an IoT device; Tadeusz Czachorski, Erol Gelenbe and Godlove Suila Kuaban
Day 2: October 19, 2022
9.30 Keynote 2: Rosa Badia, BSC, Spain – Chair: Erol Gelenbe
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Session 4: Architectures and workloads (1H 20 MIN) – Chair: Soraya Zertal
- Efficient Error-Bounded Lossy Compression for CPU Architectures; Griffin Dube, Jiannan Tian, Sheng Di, Dingwen Tao, Jon Calhoun and Franck Cappello
- Orchestrating Heterogeneous Cyber-range Event Chains With Serverless-container Workflow; Yongquan Fu, Weihong Han and Dong Yuan
- IFLustre: Towards Interference-free and Efficient Storage Allocation in Distributed File System; Sunggon Kim, Dongkyu Sung and Yongseok Son
- Design and Simulation of Multi-tiered Heterogeneous Memory Architecture; Jinyuan Hu, Haikun Liu and Hai Jin
12.20 Lunch Break
14.00 Session 5: Performance modeling (1H) – Chair: Bruno Guajal
- Truncating Multi-Dimensional Markov Chains with Accuracy Guarantee; Gagan Somashekar, Mohammad Delasay and Anshul Gandhi
- Surrogate Models for Markov Reward Models with Uncertain Parameters; Peter Buchholz
- Modelling Performance Loss due to Thread Imbalance in Stochastic Variable-Length SIMT Workloads; Stephen Nicholas Swatman, Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, Attila Krasznahorkay and Andy Pimentel
15.00 Coffee Break
15.30 Session 6: Network modeling (1H 20 MIN) – Chair: Tadeusz Czachorski
- Securing OFDMA in V2V Communication among Untrusted Platoons; Ruotong Zhao, Deepak Mishra and Aruna Seneviratne
- Efficient Data-Driven Network Functions; Zhiyuan Yao, Yoann Desmouceaux, Juan-Antonio Cordero-Fuertes, Mark Townsley and Thomas Heide Clausen
- Tracking a Mobile Beacon: A Pure Probabilistic Approach; F. Serhan Daniş, Cem Ersoy and A. Taylan Cemgil
- DB-LBT: Deterministic Backoff with Listen Before Talk for Wi-Fi/NR-U Coexistence in Shared Bands; Katarzyna Kosek-Szott, Szymon Szott, Alice Lo Valvo and Ilenia Tinnirello
19.30 Evening Dinner
Day 3: October 20, 2022
10.00 Workshop Session 1 (1h) – Chair: Erol Gelenbe
BER-Aware Backscattering Design for Energy Maximization at RFID Passive Tag; Amus Chee Yuen Goay, Deepak Mishra and Aruna Seneviratne
LoRa Positioning in Verification of Location Data’s Credibility; Anna Strzoda, Rafał Marjasz and Krzysztof Grochla
Using Dynamic Programming to Optimize Cellular Networks Modeled as Graphical Games; Artur Popławski and Szymon Szott
11.00 Coffee Break
11.30 Workshop Session 2 (1h) – Chair: Krzysztof Grochla
DITIS: A Distributed Tiered Storage Simulator; Edson Ramiro Lucas Filho, Lambros Odysseos, Yang Lun, Fu Kebo and Herodotos Herodotou
FiLiP: A File Lifecycle-based Profiler for hierarchical storage; Soraya Zertal, Adrian Khelili and Sophie Robert
Exact Outage Analysis for Non-regenerative Secure Cooperation Against Double-tap Eavesdropping; Venugopalachary Kotha, Deepak Mishra and Ravikant Saini
Saving Bit-flips through Smart Overwrites in NVRAM; Arockia David Roy Kulandai and Thomas Schwarz
12:30 Closing remarks
12.40 Lunch Break